Technical support

Technical support

Are you in need of help?

Automatisa’s technical support service follows its own working method, developed over decades of company experience. For the success of this service, Automatisa has in its technical service team the best professionals who have been trained by the company over many years.

When necessary, the customer can count on a remote technical support service that solves the vast majority of stoned problems without the need for face-to-face visits, guaranteeing quick service, low or no cost and great efficiency.

If there is a need for a face-to-face visit, the technician will be equipped with a pre-diagnosis, as well as the possible parts to be used. Get the job done as efficiently as possible and leave the machine in top working condition. Today, Automatisa’s technical service assertiveness rate is 100%. This means that every 10 calls, everyone solves the problem with just one visit.

In addition, the company continuously monitors the service NPS (Net Promoter Score) for face-to-face and remote services. This indicator ensures that, in addition to being served, your customers are happy with Automatisa.

Para acionar o nosso suporte técnico, envie um e-mail para o endereço: com a sua solicitação e nós responderemos o mais breve possível.

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